Africa Journal entry 4.
Posted in 4 comments
Dear friends and family,
It is Sunday night, and we had an amazing service tonight a man from the states named Leon Dehan spoke, and he is an amazing man. After wards I drove a bunch of the kids home, and me and the God squad went to the beach under the stars and talked for a bit about leadership, starting movements, ect. And I dropped them off, we prayed before they went home, because their parents were calling and yelling at them intensely.
I have seen a lot in the past week, I will talk about some of it. But as it is late, and I am quite tired I will keep it relatively short, "ya right aye".
Well Last Wednesday I don't remember what happened, I think I did street ministry with the kids, and I think I went and prayed for some folks. hmm, anyways Thursday morning I got up and went to pick up some of the youth "God squad" and first picked up the little "bucky" a 2 seater car\truck in which we squeezed 13 people. INSANE btw, we squeeze more people into cars than I ever thought possible. Anyways we went and made a "free healing sign and went to the beach area and prayed for people all day, it was a good day, we really got to love on some people, muslim, hindu, and other people. A handfull of them came to the evening service later that night.
But earlier on thrusday after we had spent quite some time doing ministry on the streets, we went back to one of the young peoples families house. and were hanging out studying and praying. Their parents came home in a truck and the mom was fine, but they backed the truck up to the back of the house and I noticed that a few of the young ones in the family left the house crying. And then I watched them carry their drunk father into the house. the family is like 6 kids, and they are all on fire for God, but their parents are not. They are at this point still gripped by alcohol and such. It broke my heart I went out back and prayed for and talked with the 15 year old daughter, as she was crying, I had my arms around her, as she ws heart broken about the dad she never had. And it broke my heart, there are so many thousands of children who go through this every day, and most Christians have no idea. I told her she cannot hate her dad, but she was pretty tore up. She was doing better after a while. See these young people are the ones that i am spending all my time with, and disciplining and I see them change peoples lives, as they are slowly but surely becoming stronger in their identity, and in christ, most are new Christians and have only been in relationship with God for a few months, but they are doing more for the kingdom than a lot of people. But while they are pursuing the kingdom in their lives, its not the world that is a challenge, its their parents telling them, they are ridiculous, crazy, loco, and yelling and cussing at them. I cant describe how I love these young people.
I have been really going after seeing people with strokes healed, and paralysis healed, I have seen many healed of various diseases, but almost nothing happen with strokes YET. And it seems I encounter a hand full of them every day. I have been interviewing all these people as I am praying for them, and the story is almost ALWAYS the same. They were either in a fight, quarrel, or someone cursed, or hexed them, and then one day they got dizzy and feinted. When they came to they had this disease and deformity. And many that have paralysis and such still suffer from the same "symptoms".
Well at the thursday night service I was supposed to speak, and Mfundo, who is "19" comes half carrying his sister into the service, the "15" year old. she was all dizzy and could barely talk and her arms were crooked and her fingers all deformed and curled up intp her palms. I had them sit her down, and was trying to figure out what had happened. Mfundo said that she suddenly got dizzy and feinted on the road, when they picked her up she couldn't feel her arms and they crippled up, and she was losing motor skills, and the full use of her right side and leg. It took me a few seconds to realize that a devil had attacked her just like all these other people I have been praying for. I took her outside and sat her down. I took her hands in mine, and friends, they were identical to the many I have held before, and in seconds her perfect hands had went to being crippled and deformed and looking like the old grandmas I had prayed for with strokes. The more I prayed the madder I got, I didn't show it in my actions, but I do not believe I have ever been that mad at a devil in my life before. I had just been on the streets earlier with this girl. She was normal, perfect, and now she looked hopeless. I commanded that devil to let her go, she could feel her legs getting worse, I put her back in worship, called Ryan roahdes in the states, told him to pray. And then I went behind the church and I did the most intense praying I had ever done, if there would have been a herd of lions in my way I would have shredded them into hamburger.I wasn't about to preach, aint no use preaching if she wasn't better, my messages are messages of power, and I wont preach something that isn't real. As I was praying God said, "she'll be fine because of your faith, and because there is no other choice but for her to be healed". but she does need to forgive her father, who was drunk ealeir. Now note, he didn't say she had to forgive him to be healed, He just said she had to forgive her father. I pulled her back out of the service and took her outside again, her hands straightened out and all her feeling returned and she was doing much better, it took a bit and she forgave her father and was set free from that hate towards her dad. And we won. I fully believe that if there would not have been people there who knew it was a devil, and fought it it intensely, she would be another victim of a stroke, and struggling through life crippled. It was a little easier to preach after that.
The next morning "friday", 4 of the youth leaders went with me and another lady named Vera to a hospital she has a lot of favor with here in the states, and we spent a few hours covering most of the hospital rooms in the building, I got the surgery section, and then you just go room to room. I had no crazy miracles happen, but seen a lot of improvement, and quite a few people healed. We left from there and went back to the house, where I met with chad and a couple local Africans who wanted us to go pray for a notable sangoma "witch doctor". The maid in our house had Hiv/aids, and chad and his wife had prayed for her, and after she received her test from the clinic she was HIV negative!! well her friends mom, was a sangoma, and she kept getting sicker, and her magic and ancestors were not helping, so we drove about a half an hour into a rural area, and she had a hut on the mountains side, (its really beautiful back there). besides the smell at times. But you get used to it:) anyways, she was a skinny lady with intense eyes and she had trouble walking and moving around to much because of pain and such, so we explained the Gospel, and that the real living God was going to heal her. We prayed for her in Jesus name and she was healed, No crazy devil stuff, no weird manifestations, (which we were ready for:) but we just radically loved on her. I could tell she was a brilliant women, and she was amazed at the real power and love of God, she was totally healed, and we then prayed and a few other family members were healed as well, we then gathered with her family and worshiped Jesus for a few minutes together, as we blessed the place and went on our way.
Later that night we Got a call saying we could have the main stage down by the beach in margate, which is a popular place in the summer, and so they set up a sound system, and our friends do "poi" which is fire dancing, simply it is to chains with handles and then balls of fire on the ends, and then you learn how to swing and flip them around you. Which is amazingly fun and addictive, but a bit of a challenge to learn. I haven't done the fire, but I have been practicing on the practice poi. Anyways, they gather a crowd and then shamelessly do a service practicully right outside the doorsteps of the 3-4 of thier biggest night clubs in town. when they seen me, they announced that I was preaching, so In my shorts, and barefoot, I preached, I just preached intensely about a real Jesus, and as I was speaking all of sudden everything got quite all the shops, and tables with people eating and partying got quite, because of the presence of God. I said i will not preach a God that isn't real, so who needs healing or has pain in their body? a lady raised her hand and came down, (this is like a stage facing a town square, and hillside, with the beach behind it, Beautiful), I was stepping out there, I knew if she didn't get healed, I would look stupid, and their whole ministry would look dumb, and worst of all, God wouyld look lame. But I will NOT preach a powerless Gospel, so we prayed and of course she was healed, now you cant hear a sound, as people watch here teary eyed go back to her place. few more people came down and or were dragged down to be healed. I had a lady from the crowd come down who had never prayed for anyone in her life, (but she was a prophesying christian) anyways she layed hands on the sick lady, and watched as the sick lady was healed. She was shaking and crying as she could not believed that God had healed through her. we went on to have a good night, adn plan to repeat the same thing on Saturday nights now.
We are still in the process of putting together a "Youth Miracle Crusade" this coming weekend, actually its already put together, and we have the 2,000 seater tent, we just need to figure out how to fill it, so that should be interesting.
Today after the morning service, I drove a girl back to her family in the rural area, I believe they had kicked her out, so this was a good trip back. But her family needed healing, and we made it back there, after we prayed for her family an they were healed of various things, word spread, and we went from house to house for a while praying for mostly people with Tuberculosis, and aids, and stroked, again, many were healed of most things, but I did not see the stroke healed, one lady got some more movement back. I was soooo proud of some of the girl leaders in the God squad, they are so sensitive to the Holy spirit they would look at a row of huts and know which one had either a sangoma, cripples, ect. and then they did whatever the Holy spirit told them to, or went to whatever hut they were led to. Which in that are isn't what every one does, its pretty shady, and crime rate is pretty high. lol, I went into a local tavern, last night, even most the locals dont dare go in. But ya anyways, quite the experience, a guy opens this little metal door, and its loud music, and a ton of demons, and drunk people all looking to fight, or something. I left pretty quick, just prayed for one person. But I seen it.
Back to the people we were praying for today, my one highlight was a man in a hut who has not been able to walk with out those crutch/brace things for ten years, and has nt been able to walk hardly period for a long time. as we were praying he was crying because the pain was so bad in his knees and back, when he moved his knees you could hear the tissue tearing and grating together. I was almost about to just go crazy, i cant stand seeing people in pain. anyways after a while we asked him, and he said NO PAIN, I was like, huh, you should of tole me earlier. I told him to stand and walk, he got up and after walking around the room a bit by himself with no crutches, the room erupted in LOUD African worship for the next half hour, "africans are very loud and expressive with their feelings. So at first you think you gotta cast the devils out of everyone, then you realize thats just them being REALLY REALLY HAPPY. lol. so yes he was fine, and was walking normal. so that was Good.
I am still praying and asking to see these cases with strokes healed, and some wheelchair cases I see, so If you pray for me for anything, please just pray that I would be radically obedient to whatever the Holy spirit says, I really really am gripped to see these people set free. One notable miracle and you can lead a whole community to Christ. Movements here are really easy, But man being a powerless christian would be scary here!! lol, for real, the witches would be intimidating for me if I didn't know that I was untouchable and that no weapon formed against me will prosper.
But seriously, I could write some of my latest "revelation", but really, I just want to truly love people, see their lives transformed, and see real!!! REAL REAL REAL. aaaahhh My heart burns for real. seriously. There has to be a better and simpler way to seeing the world transformed than crusades, church systems, and christian programs. There is nothing wrong with those, I am involved in some, but as I sit in them, my heart is out in the huts, its with the crying children, there has to be a better way.
I think that way is the Jesus way. The simple, discipling, waking in power, preaching the Gospel accompanied with signs wonders and miracles, being part of peoples lives, living life with them. Its not the most respected, the most well known, not famous, its not Money producing, its not at conferences, you don't have special titles, you aren't on part time, and off, its all the time on. You become a living example to those around you, you become the means for them to become great, your biggest dream is them. You do every thing in your power to see them succeed, to see them transform the world, to see them go way farther then you.
Listen friends, we must learn, we must walk like Jesus. You can learn from many people, and principles are good. People may just not know you , or write your name on a wall till after you die, But really just walk like Jesus, you may be crucified, but You will write history, (His-story) and you will transform the world.
I luv you guys so much!!
thanx for everything.
much luv,
It is Sunday night, and we had an amazing service tonight a man from the states named Leon Dehan spoke, and he is an amazing man. After wards I drove a bunch of the kids home, and me and the God squad went to the beach under the stars and talked for a bit about leadership, starting movements, ect. And I dropped them off, we prayed before they went home, because their parents were calling and yelling at them intensely.
I have seen a lot in the past week, I will talk about some of it. But as it is late, and I am quite tired I will keep it relatively short, "ya right aye".
Well Last Wednesday I don't remember what happened, I think I did street ministry with the kids, and I think I went and prayed for some folks. hmm, anyways Thursday morning I got up and went to pick up some of the youth "God squad" and first picked up the little "bucky" a 2 seater car\truck in which we squeezed 13 people. INSANE btw, we squeeze more people into cars than I ever thought possible. Anyways we went and made a "free healing sign and went to the beach area and prayed for people all day, it was a good day, we really got to love on some people, muslim, hindu, and other people. A handfull of them came to the evening service later that night.
But earlier on thrusday after we had spent quite some time doing ministry on the streets, we went back to one of the young peoples families house. and were hanging out studying and praying. Their parents came home in a truck and the mom was fine, but they backed the truck up to the back of the house and I noticed that a few of the young ones in the family left the house crying. And then I watched them carry their drunk father into the house. the family is like 6 kids, and they are all on fire for God, but their parents are not. They are at this point still gripped by alcohol and such. It broke my heart I went out back and prayed for and talked with the 15 year old daughter, as she was crying, I had my arms around her, as she ws heart broken about the dad she never had. And it broke my heart, there are so many thousands of children who go through this every day, and most Christians have no idea. I told her she cannot hate her dad, but she was pretty tore up. She was doing better after a while. See these young people are the ones that i am spending all my time with, and disciplining and I see them change peoples lives, as they are slowly but surely becoming stronger in their identity, and in christ, most are new Christians and have only been in relationship with God for a few months, but they are doing more for the kingdom than a lot of people. But while they are pursuing the kingdom in their lives, its not the world that is a challenge, its their parents telling them, they are ridiculous, crazy, loco, and yelling and cussing at them. I cant describe how I love these young people.
I have been really going after seeing people with strokes healed, and paralysis healed, I have seen many healed of various diseases, but almost nothing happen with strokes YET. And it seems I encounter a hand full of them every day. I have been interviewing all these people as I am praying for them, and the story is almost ALWAYS the same. They were either in a fight, quarrel, or someone cursed, or hexed them, and then one day they got dizzy and feinted. When they came to they had this disease and deformity. And many that have paralysis and such still suffer from the same "symptoms".
Well at the thursday night service I was supposed to speak, and Mfundo, who is "19" comes half carrying his sister into the service, the "15" year old. she was all dizzy and could barely talk and her arms were crooked and her fingers all deformed and curled up intp her palms. I had them sit her down, and was trying to figure out what had happened. Mfundo said that she suddenly got dizzy and feinted on the road, when they picked her up she couldn't feel her arms and they crippled up, and she was losing motor skills, and the full use of her right side and leg. It took me a few seconds to realize that a devil had attacked her just like all these other people I have been praying for. I took her outside and sat her down. I took her hands in mine, and friends, they were identical to the many I have held before, and in seconds her perfect hands had went to being crippled and deformed and looking like the old grandmas I had prayed for with strokes. The more I prayed the madder I got, I didn't show it in my actions, but I do not believe I have ever been that mad at a devil in my life before. I had just been on the streets earlier with this girl. She was normal, perfect, and now she looked hopeless. I commanded that devil to let her go, she could feel her legs getting worse, I put her back in worship, called Ryan roahdes in the states, told him to pray. And then I went behind the church and I did the most intense praying I had ever done, if there would have been a herd of lions in my way I would have shredded them into hamburger.I wasn't about to preach, aint no use preaching if she wasn't better, my messages are messages of power, and I wont preach something that isn't real. As I was praying God said, "she'll be fine because of your faith, and because there is no other choice but for her to be healed". but she does need to forgive her father, who was drunk ealeir. Now note, he didn't say she had to forgive him to be healed, He just said she had to forgive her father. I pulled her back out of the service and took her outside again, her hands straightened out and all her feeling returned and she was doing much better, it took a bit and she forgave her father and was set free from that hate towards her dad. And we won. I fully believe that if there would not have been people there who knew it was a devil, and fought it it intensely, she would be another victim of a stroke, and struggling through life crippled. It was a little easier to preach after that.
The next morning "friday", 4 of the youth leaders went with me and another lady named Vera to a hospital she has a lot of favor with here in the states, and we spent a few hours covering most of the hospital rooms in the building, I got the surgery section, and then you just go room to room. I had no crazy miracles happen, but seen a lot of improvement, and quite a few people healed. We left from there and went back to the house, where I met with chad and a couple local Africans who wanted us to go pray for a notable sangoma "witch doctor". The maid in our house had Hiv/aids, and chad and his wife had prayed for her, and after she received her test from the clinic she was HIV negative!! well her friends mom, was a sangoma, and she kept getting sicker, and her magic and ancestors were not helping, so we drove about a half an hour into a rural area, and she had a hut on the mountains side, (its really beautiful back there). besides the smell at times. But you get used to it:) anyways, she was a skinny lady with intense eyes and she had trouble walking and moving around to much because of pain and such, so we explained the Gospel, and that the real living God was going to heal her. We prayed for her in Jesus name and she was healed, No crazy devil stuff, no weird manifestations, (which we were ready for:) but we just radically loved on her. I could tell she was a brilliant women, and she was amazed at the real power and love of God, she was totally healed, and we then prayed and a few other family members were healed as well, we then gathered with her family and worshiped Jesus for a few minutes together, as we blessed the place and went on our way.
Later that night we Got a call saying we could have the main stage down by the beach in margate, which is a popular place in the summer, and so they set up a sound system, and our friends do "poi" which is fire dancing, simply it is to chains with handles and then balls of fire on the ends, and then you learn how to swing and flip them around you. Which is amazingly fun and addictive, but a bit of a challenge to learn. I haven't done the fire, but I have been practicing on the practice poi. Anyways, they gather a crowd and then shamelessly do a service practicully right outside the doorsteps of the 3-4 of thier biggest night clubs in town. when they seen me, they announced that I was preaching, so In my shorts, and barefoot, I preached, I just preached intensely about a real Jesus, and as I was speaking all of sudden everything got quite all the shops, and tables with people eating and partying got quite, because of the presence of God. I said i will not preach a God that isn't real, so who needs healing or has pain in their body? a lady raised her hand and came down, (this is like a stage facing a town square, and hillside, with the beach behind it, Beautiful), I was stepping out there, I knew if she didn't get healed, I would look stupid, and their whole ministry would look dumb, and worst of all, God wouyld look lame. But I will NOT preach a powerless Gospel, so we prayed and of course she was healed, now you cant hear a sound, as people watch here teary eyed go back to her place. few more people came down and or were dragged down to be healed. I had a lady from the crowd come down who had never prayed for anyone in her life, (but she was a prophesying christian) anyways she layed hands on the sick lady, and watched as the sick lady was healed. She was shaking and crying as she could not believed that God had healed through her. we went on to have a good night, adn plan to repeat the same thing on Saturday nights now.
We are still in the process of putting together a "Youth Miracle Crusade" this coming weekend, actually its already put together, and we have the 2,000 seater tent, we just need to figure out how to fill it, so that should be interesting.
Today after the morning service, I drove a girl back to her family in the rural area, I believe they had kicked her out, so this was a good trip back. But her family needed healing, and we made it back there, after we prayed for her family an they were healed of various things, word spread, and we went from house to house for a while praying for mostly people with Tuberculosis, and aids, and stroked, again, many were healed of most things, but I did not see the stroke healed, one lady got some more movement back. I was soooo proud of some of the girl leaders in the God squad, they are so sensitive to the Holy spirit they would look at a row of huts and know which one had either a sangoma, cripples, ect. and then they did whatever the Holy spirit told them to, or went to whatever hut they were led to. Which in that are isn't what every one does, its pretty shady, and crime rate is pretty high. lol, I went into a local tavern, last night, even most the locals dont dare go in. But ya anyways, quite the experience, a guy opens this little metal door, and its loud music, and a ton of demons, and drunk people all looking to fight, or something. I left pretty quick, just prayed for one person. But I seen it.
Back to the people we were praying for today, my one highlight was a man in a hut who has not been able to walk with out those crutch/brace things for ten years, and has nt been able to walk hardly period for a long time. as we were praying he was crying because the pain was so bad in his knees and back, when he moved his knees you could hear the tissue tearing and grating together. I was almost about to just go crazy, i cant stand seeing people in pain. anyways after a while we asked him, and he said NO PAIN, I was like, huh, you should of tole me earlier. I told him to stand and walk, he got up and after walking around the room a bit by himself with no crutches, the room erupted in LOUD African worship for the next half hour, "africans are very loud and expressive with their feelings. So at first you think you gotta cast the devils out of everyone, then you realize thats just them being REALLY REALLY HAPPY. lol. so yes he was fine, and was walking normal. so that was Good.
I am still praying and asking to see these cases with strokes healed, and some wheelchair cases I see, so If you pray for me for anything, please just pray that I would be radically obedient to whatever the Holy spirit says, I really really am gripped to see these people set free. One notable miracle and you can lead a whole community to Christ. Movements here are really easy, But man being a powerless christian would be scary here!! lol, for real, the witches would be intimidating for me if I didn't know that I was untouchable and that no weapon formed against me will prosper.
But seriously, I could write some of my latest "revelation", but really, I just want to truly love people, see their lives transformed, and see real!!! REAL REAL REAL. aaaahhh My heart burns for real. seriously. There has to be a better and simpler way to seeing the world transformed than crusades, church systems, and christian programs. There is nothing wrong with those, I am involved in some, but as I sit in them, my heart is out in the huts, its with the crying children, there has to be a better way.
I think that way is the Jesus way. The simple, discipling, waking in power, preaching the Gospel accompanied with signs wonders and miracles, being part of peoples lives, living life with them. Its not the most respected, the most well known, not famous, its not Money producing, its not at conferences, you don't have special titles, you aren't on part time, and off, its all the time on. You become a living example to those around you, you become the means for them to become great, your biggest dream is them. You do every thing in your power to see them succeed, to see them transform the world, to see them go way farther then you.
Listen friends, we must learn, we must walk like Jesus. You can learn from many people, and principles are good. People may just not know you , or write your name on a wall till after you die, But really just walk like Jesus, you may be crucified, but You will write history, (His-story) and you will transform the world.
I luv you guys so much!!
thanx for everything.
much luv,
dennis, i love you!!
tell God squad i love them bunches too & i'm looking forward to meeting them, whether it be on earth or in heaven. they rock!
Amazing grace! Dennis: you be careful, too. You might start irritating those village witches who also might try to put a spell on you.
Looking forward to you bringing back more stories to SJ!!
Awesome Dennis. I rejoice with you and am praying for You. Breakthrough in Jesus name.
Hey!! You forgot me! KUHLE!! You know?? Lol!! Cool note bro..
I testify to all that Dennis has said about the life here in SA as true.
Much love - kuhle cele
Oh btw, see you next week...
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