Frica Journal entry 3
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Dear friends and family,
Its Tuesday morning, and I am catching up on writing a bit on what happened over the past week, some one is going to have a car for me to use while I am here for transportation. So I am waiting for that this morning, as soon as i get that I will be picking up a few youth leaders and driving into a couple areas and praying for a dying man, a blind man, and we will be visiting a deaf school I think. Not sure.
Last Thursday morning I went to to a pastors meeting in the morning and made connections, then I went to one of the youth leaders houses and about 10-12 of the youth met there, and we prayed and worshiped for a while I taught basic principles from the bible, then we went and spent the rest of the day on the streets. Btw, this was there very first time on the streets. It was amazing I simply taught them what Jesus did, and told them to do like wise, and I told them as we walk to pray for everyone and anyone they met and preach the gospel. lol, and yes, EVERY person we met as we were walking down the street they went up to and started loving, prophesying to and praying for. Often they would take 3-4 people and just block the path, and people would ask "what do you want"? they would say, "Oh we just want to talk to you for a little bit". and then start to minister to them. It was beautiful. What takes weeks to get most Americans to get, they got in 10 minutes, simply because of radical obedience without thinking twice about it.
We seen a hospital, " a pretty modern hospital" and I took two of the girls to see what we could find, and left a few others in the parking lot to pray for people. As we walked in we ran into a lady I had met before who had a sick girl in the Hospital, we acted like we knew what we were doing, and told her we were there to pray for her girl. She said thank you, and asked us to follow her. we went into the children section of the hospital and started praying for the girl. I also prayed for the girls grandma and as I was praying tears were streaming down here cheeks, as she encountered Jesus. when I looked up the girls weren't with me anymore, they were already praying for anyone they could find. See they don't have any bad mindsets that tell them they might get shut down for praying for people in a hospital. We left that section of the hospital and went to pray for some nurses who were on a "smoke break", the one nurse was in intense pain and was healed from muscle spasms.
As we went back in the hall one of the girls was talking to a doctor, he asked what she was doing, she quickly announced,"oh we are here to heal all the sick people", lol, like I said, their first time. It was great, we found out he owned part of the hospital, and "Unatti" straight up asked him, " are you saved"? " I was thinking more of a subtle approach and maybe we could keep praying for people." But God is a God of grace, He said no, and he didn't want to be saved then, but he said if you are here to pray for people you should go pray for a girl who has a few days left to live and then he walked off. we took this as an opportunity and went to the front desk and told them we were here to pray for a girl with 5 days left to live. They sent us to the ER, we buzzed the buzzer, and they asked what we needed, I said the owner of the Hospital said there was a girl with a few days left to live and we were supposed to pray for her. They let us in right away, and we got to pray for the girl and minister to the parents of the girl. So I gave them my contact info, so hopefully they will let me know. as we finished this I heard yelling in the hallway so I went out there, and two of the guys from outside were looking for us, saying a miracle had happened!! lol all the doctors and nurses were sticking their heads out and trying to figure out what happened. So I took everyone out side to talk, they said someone who was crippled and had pain on his side was healed and walking with out his crutch. which was their very first miracle:) it was good, we spent the rest of the day praying for people, and met one man we prayed for who asked us to go pray for an orphanage. We went to an evening service at the church I am helping out at, and the next morning the youth went and visited the orphanage.
Friday night the youth had a youth service, but I stayed home and rested up a bit. Saturday morning we met early in the morning, like 8am early, and went to a pre rally for a crusade that is happening. They called is a " Jesus celebration March". But we went to turn it into a "Jesus Healing March". There were probably at least 3-400 people with flags, palm branches walking down the streets and NOT ONE OF THEM, was healing the sick or reaching out, except for our kids. There was like all these religious people, and then there was our screaming, singing bunch of youth. lol. and they were praying for everything that moved. Don't get me wrong there were other awesome people there and I am sure they had the best of intentions, but they were just getting nothing done. I think its quite ridiculous how people will host these huge christian events, do prophetic acts, and supposedly change atmospheres, and do things in the heavenlies. Listen Jesus already shook thing in the heavenlies, he already did thee biggest prophetic act, if you think you can do a better Job than he did, then feel free to shake and bake and waste your time doing NOTHING.
I may seem march with this, but its truth, its an excuse to be powerless, Unatti and I stepped out of the "parade" to pray for a man who was really hobbling along. He said he was in a car crash years ago and never recovered, his leg was at least 2-3 inches shorter than the other, I prayed and his leg grew out instantly, and he was healed. a small crowd grew really quick, because everyone knew him, and they kept asking him what happened, we prayed for a few more people, and realized that the "parade" was long Gone. so we ran to catch up. we found them gathered on a grassy area by the road, blowing shofars and all kinds of ridiculous stuff. so we kept praying for people a bit. At the end they all gathered in a big bunch and one man was ending it. So I went up next to him and said I had something to say, I said listen, as you walk you have to reah out and pray for people and demonstrate Jesus, and I shared the testimony, it was like speaking to a wall. Why??? because what I said required them to do something, required responsibility. And its easier to stand around and pray for what Jesus already did, than it is to actually go and enforce what he already did, and DO WHAT JESUS SAID TO DO. period.
That night we loaded up the young leaders "Flying God Squad" as they're called here. lol. and went to BoBoyi, a rural area. For the tent meeting that night, and it was an amazing meeting it was packed out with young people in there. And the young people took turns sharing for a bit, than chad Hoffman and I taught and stirred up passion and resolve, as these young people are starting to rise up to disciple their nation.
Before the meeting started I was asked to go visit a dying woman in one of the small hut/houses. She was the sweetest old grandma, but she was all crippled up and laying on the floor with a blanket, because she had a stroke, and hadn't walked in years. We had about 20 Africans inside and outside singing and praying believing that she would walk. I started praying for her, and then i pulled her to her feet and commanded her to walk. Nothing happened that we could see, I spent the next half hour praying for her, And even though I have conditioned myself to not doubt but to walk in the spirit. I was in tears after leaving there. Next there was a pastor who had an accident as kid, and it left him with one leg a good 4-5 inches shorter than the other one. He let me pray and I commanded it to grow out, and I had the youth pray as well, because they had never NOT seen a leg grow out. And his leg refused to grow. I have seen a lot of people healed since I have been here, but I am being transparent with a few things that I did not see bow. I took a walk after this as the meeting was going on, and poured out my heart to God, Because I know its Gods will to heal them, there is nothing lacking on his end. And I must walk in a place of a renewed mind so that I walk just like Jesus on the earth. So I am fasting this week and praying, not that God would do something, I know better than that. But that I would kill the flesh and renew my mind to walk in what I am appointed to walk in. you know. see If you want more of a passion to walk like Jesus on the earth, than hang out with people who are dying. It will happen really quick.
The meeting was amazing, young people radically dedicating every second of their lives to doing what Jesus said to do and radically devoting their lives to serving God forever.
I met yesterday with some of the youth, in two weeks we have a 2,000 seater tent that we have on a Sunday completely just for the youth. and we are heading that up. The young people here have a dream of filling the local sports stadium, which is really big. I told them that this is the first step, if they want to do that. One of my goals is to help these young people. They have given every second of their lives to doing the kingdom of heaven. But most of them have no money period. And we are planning on establishing youth led churches throughout the region because young people here are poor and walk to all meetings, and they will walk miles just to go to one meetings, but if we can establish leaders and churches in all the regions then these leaders I am pouring into can go from region to region throughout the week, and keep pouring onto people. So My one of my goals by the time I leave is to help them establish a strong internet connection in one central location, build a website, you tube channel, and have them have a donation button. So that they can get what God is doing here on the web for the world to see, and then people can sow into what God is doing here. Because if they get a few "Ran" they use it for cellphone airtime so they can connect and spread the kingdom. But they need a car, or any van type vehicle, and finances to buy gas and such. I could talk about these young people a lot, I keep giving them everything that I have lol, because when you hang out with them and see their passion and zeal, you just want to give them every thing you have, ya know. Its really easy to give when you are over here. Because you don't care about anything else but seeing peoples lives transformed.
I was just invited to minister at a church about 300km outside of Johannesburg this weekend so I believe I will be flying up there for the weekend. So that should be exciting. But in the mean time, I want to say thank you to a couple of you that supported me financially to come over here!!! for real thank you, there is a revolution rising up, and youth leaders being trained that will shake the planet:) I don't remember everything so I only write some of what happens. but be blessed guys, never stop, never stop.
Much luv!!
Btw, if anybody wants to give to the youth leaders I am discipling, you can give via the donation button and make a note " to the Godsqad" it will go straight to them. They are all awesome, but there are 3 main leaders, and the money will go to them to use just for ministry.
Its Tuesday morning, and I am catching up on writing a bit on what happened over the past week, some one is going to have a car for me to use while I am here for transportation. So I am waiting for that this morning, as soon as i get that I will be picking up a few youth leaders and driving into a couple areas and praying for a dying man, a blind man, and we will be visiting a deaf school I think. Not sure.
Last Thursday morning I went to to a pastors meeting in the morning and made connections, then I went to one of the youth leaders houses and about 10-12 of the youth met there, and we prayed and worshiped for a while I taught basic principles from the bible, then we went and spent the rest of the day on the streets. Btw, this was there very first time on the streets. It was amazing I simply taught them what Jesus did, and told them to do like wise, and I told them as we walk to pray for everyone and anyone they met and preach the gospel. lol, and yes, EVERY person we met as we were walking down the street they went up to and started loving, prophesying to and praying for. Often they would take 3-4 people and just block the path, and people would ask "what do you want"? they would say, "Oh we just want to talk to you for a little bit". and then start to minister to them. It was beautiful. What takes weeks to get most Americans to get, they got in 10 minutes, simply because of radical obedience without thinking twice about it.
We seen a hospital, " a pretty modern hospital" and I took two of the girls to see what we could find, and left a few others in the parking lot to pray for people. As we walked in we ran into a lady I had met before who had a sick girl in the Hospital, we acted like we knew what we were doing, and told her we were there to pray for her girl. She said thank you, and asked us to follow her. we went into the children section of the hospital and started praying for the girl. I also prayed for the girls grandma and as I was praying tears were streaming down here cheeks, as she encountered Jesus. when I looked up the girls weren't with me anymore, they were already praying for anyone they could find. See they don't have any bad mindsets that tell them they might get shut down for praying for people in a hospital. We left that section of the hospital and went to pray for some nurses who were on a "smoke break", the one nurse was in intense pain and was healed from muscle spasms.
As we went back in the hall one of the girls was talking to a doctor, he asked what she was doing, she quickly announced,"oh we are here to heal all the sick people", lol, like I said, their first time. It was great, we found out he owned part of the hospital, and "Unatti" straight up asked him, " are you saved"? " I was thinking more of a subtle approach and maybe we could keep praying for people." But God is a God of grace, He said no, and he didn't want to be saved then, but he said if you are here to pray for people you should go pray for a girl who has a few days left to live and then he walked off. we took this as an opportunity and went to the front desk and told them we were here to pray for a girl with 5 days left to live. They sent us to the ER, we buzzed the buzzer, and they asked what we needed, I said the owner of the Hospital said there was a girl with a few days left to live and we were supposed to pray for her. They let us in right away, and we got to pray for the girl and minister to the parents of the girl. So I gave them my contact info, so hopefully they will let me know. as we finished this I heard yelling in the hallway so I went out there, and two of the guys from outside were looking for us, saying a miracle had happened!! lol all the doctors and nurses were sticking their heads out and trying to figure out what happened. So I took everyone out side to talk, they said someone who was crippled and had pain on his side was healed and walking with out his crutch. which was their very first miracle:) it was good, we spent the rest of the day praying for people, and met one man we prayed for who asked us to go pray for an orphanage. We went to an evening service at the church I am helping out at, and the next morning the youth went and visited the orphanage.
Friday night the youth had a youth service, but I stayed home and rested up a bit. Saturday morning we met early in the morning, like 8am early, and went to a pre rally for a crusade that is happening. They called is a " Jesus celebration March". But we went to turn it into a "Jesus Healing March". There were probably at least 3-400 people with flags, palm branches walking down the streets and NOT ONE OF THEM, was healing the sick or reaching out, except for our kids. There was like all these religious people, and then there was our screaming, singing bunch of youth. lol. and they were praying for everything that moved. Don't get me wrong there were other awesome people there and I am sure they had the best of intentions, but they were just getting nothing done. I think its quite ridiculous how people will host these huge christian events, do prophetic acts, and supposedly change atmospheres, and do things in the heavenlies. Listen Jesus already shook thing in the heavenlies, he already did thee biggest prophetic act, if you think you can do a better Job than he did, then feel free to shake and bake and waste your time doing NOTHING.
I may seem march with this, but its truth, its an excuse to be powerless, Unatti and I stepped out of the "parade" to pray for a man who was really hobbling along. He said he was in a car crash years ago and never recovered, his leg was at least 2-3 inches shorter than the other, I prayed and his leg grew out instantly, and he was healed. a small crowd grew really quick, because everyone knew him, and they kept asking him what happened, we prayed for a few more people, and realized that the "parade" was long Gone. so we ran to catch up. we found them gathered on a grassy area by the road, blowing shofars and all kinds of ridiculous stuff. so we kept praying for people a bit. At the end they all gathered in a big bunch and one man was ending it. So I went up next to him and said I had something to say, I said listen, as you walk you have to reah out and pray for people and demonstrate Jesus, and I shared the testimony, it was like speaking to a wall. Why??? because what I said required them to do something, required responsibility. And its easier to stand around and pray for what Jesus already did, than it is to actually go and enforce what he already did, and DO WHAT JESUS SAID TO DO. period.
That night we loaded up the young leaders "Flying God Squad" as they're called here. lol. and went to BoBoyi, a rural area. For the tent meeting that night, and it was an amazing meeting it was packed out with young people in there. And the young people took turns sharing for a bit, than chad Hoffman and I taught and stirred up passion and resolve, as these young people are starting to rise up to disciple their nation.
Before the meeting started I was asked to go visit a dying woman in one of the small hut/houses. She was the sweetest old grandma, but she was all crippled up and laying on the floor with a blanket, because she had a stroke, and hadn't walked in years. We had about 20 Africans inside and outside singing and praying believing that she would walk. I started praying for her, and then i pulled her to her feet and commanded her to walk. Nothing happened that we could see, I spent the next half hour praying for her, And even though I have conditioned myself to not doubt but to walk in the spirit. I was in tears after leaving there. Next there was a pastor who had an accident as kid, and it left him with one leg a good 4-5 inches shorter than the other one. He let me pray and I commanded it to grow out, and I had the youth pray as well, because they had never NOT seen a leg grow out. And his leg refused to grow. I have seen a lot of people healed since I have been here, but I am being transparent with a few things that I did not see bow. I took a walk after this as the meeting was going on, and poured out my heart to God, Because I know its Gods will to heal them, there is nothing lacking on his end. And I must walk in a place of a renewed mind so that I walk just like Jesus on the earth. So I am fasting this week and praying, not that God would do something, I know better than that. But that I would kill the flesh and renew my mind to walk in what I am appointed to walk in. you know. see If you want more of a passion to walk like Jesus on the earth, than hang out with people who are dying. It will happen really quick.
The meeting was amazing, young people radically dedicating every second of their lives to doing what Jesus said to do and radically devoting their lives to serving God forever.
I met yesterday with some of the youth, in two weeks we have a 2,000 seater tent that we have on a Sunday completely just for the youth. and we are heading that up. The young people here have a dream of filling the local sports stadium, which is really big. I told them that this is the first step, if they want to do that. One of my goals is to help these young people. They have given every second of their lives to doing the kingdom of heaven. But most of them have no money period. And we are planning on establishing youth led churches throughout the region because young people here are poor and walk to all meetings, and they will walk miles just to go to one meetings, but if we can establish leaders and churches in all the regions then these leaders I am pouring into can go from region to region throughout the week, and keep pouring onto people. So My one of my goals by the time I leave is to help them establish a strong internet connection in one central location, build a website, you tube channel, and have them have a donation button. So that they can get what God is doing here on the web for the world to see, and then people can sow into what God is doing here. Because if they get a few "Ran" they use it for cellphone airtime so they can connect and spread the kingdom. But they need a car, or any van type vehicle, and finances to buy gas and such. I could talk about these young people a lot, I keep giving them everything that I have lol, because when you hang out with them and see their passion and zeal, you just want to give them every thing you have, ya know. Its really easy to give when you are over here. Because you don't care about anything else but seeing peoples lives transformed.
I was just invited to minister at a church about 300km outside of Johannesburg this weekend so I believe I will be flying up there for the weekend. So that should be exciting. But in the mean time, I want to say thank you to a couple of you that supported me financially to come over here!!! for real thank you, there is a revolution rising up, and youth leaders being trained that will shake the planet:) I don't remember everything so I only write some of what happens. but be blessed guys, never stop, never stop.
Much luv!!
Btw, if anybody wants to give to the youth leaders I am discipling, you can give via the donation button and make a note " to the Godsqad" it will go straight to them. They are all awesome, but there are 3 main leaders, and the money will go to them to use just for ministry.