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To compose today, is to write history. i wrote this 2 years ago flying back from ministry in Norway.

Posted in By Revival Reform 0 comments

To compose today, is to write history.

Freedom, Inscribed in the blood of our forefathers
Scrawled across the parchment of history
A reality, in which we freely live.

With quills of honor, and the spirit of God
We write the pages of today, History
This generation will live to see.

Tomorrow, what length will we go
What price will be paid
To compose, History, The future,
In which our children’s children will live.

What value will be placed
On the blank pages they face
As they live in a world we composed.

I wrote this after a night in downtown denver June 22

Posted in By Revival Reform 2 comments

I look into the eyes of the desperate, hungry young people on the streets, my heart breaks, you can see Jesus in their eyes, I feel afraid, or inadequate at times. How do I desciple them? Will I ever see them again? how can their lives be transformed in an instant? I was never taught this....but...I give my life to becoming the learning to truly be a Christian. Will you? Guys, this is real!! WWJD. I'm learning....and I'm undone.

Jesus didn't have cd's, books, or training material. (it's not wrong) I'm just saying he didn't have it. And he transformed everywhere he walked. See we are not even to model our lives after the desciples we are to be like Jesus.
Jesus didn't build church buildings, he didn't host conferences, he didn't do a Christian event. He lived a constant lifestyle of being the answer to the worlds need. Healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons. He loved unconditionally, radically, and was persecuted by the " religiuos church" of his day. He required "everything" from those who wanted to follow him. He spoke truth and truth set people free.

We have become experts in ministring to other Christians. I beleive in fellowship ad building each other up, yes. But what we teach inside our churches does not work outside church than it is not truth, it is simply christian fluff, and flakiness meant to keep Christians happy about their own powerlessness and living in Godless situations.
tonight in downtown Denver, I held homeless people, prayed for rich people, healed sick people, ministered to girls who were practicually naked, who had never had a guy look them in the eyes with absolute purity, love, and power and tell them they were beautifull. And they experience the true love of God as they are undone in the presence of him who created them. Preteens asking to be delivered of addictions, asking if you can make their parents dissapear because their home life is so bad.

Their only veiw of Christians is people yelling from the curb with signs saying, " you will burn in hell". Of properly dressed pew sitters who condem instantly, and would never venture to their side of town. I've been in dark places and events recently, on a Sunday afternoon/evening and heard young people talking "I hope the Christians don't come harrass us today," the other replys, "they won't they never do strenuos things on their holy day".
Am I seeing hundreds healed and touched..yes. But I have allso prayed for probably around 100 wheelchair patients in the past months. And only seen 1 of them healed. I have seen people encountered by God weeping, and dedicating their lives to him. And even after obtaining their contact info, never see them again. I have watched babies die, and their parents devastated. And my freinds sickness is ALWAYS the devil. And every time I see a wheel chair it's the devil making fun of my Jesus.
Jesus never said pray for sick people, he said heal them. He never said gather and cry out and pray for revival. He said GO. W need to stop asking God to do what he told us to do. We need to take responsibility and become Christians.

Its 4am I'm sitting in a hotel bathroom praying and writing. I am gripped with the reality that the world around us is dying, and we are doing nothing about it. And very few christians have any idea what being a Christian means. I could preach from scriptures for hours. But I'm just baring my heart and saying, come on peoples!!! We must learn.

We must become like Jesus on the earth. That is not very popular, or always pretty. But it is not an option, it as a mandate.

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