Africa Journal entry 5
Posted in 2 comments
Dear friends and family,
It is a Tuesday morning here in Margate where i'm staying on a farm. I moved from the last place I was staying at to be closer to the young people I am discipling. I haven't been able to blog for the last week because of lack of internet and a laptop that I could type on.
There is to much that happens every day, so I cant write all, but I can tell a few of the high lights over the past week and a half. In Johannesburg there is a group of young people (Faith, Mpumie, Ndimphiwe, Trulani, and Marcus) who got ahold of the message a while back and have been tearing it up, healing the sick, leading people to Jesus, ect. And we were hoping to meet up, so they got bus tickets and spent 12 hours on the bus and came down for the weekend. We really had an amazing time. They are an awesome group. Almost exactly like when brandon, ryan/laura, and I first met. They are solid, and all preach, teach, prophesy, heal the sick, ect.
Saturday we had a great time we prayed for people all day on the streets, and then took an hour break for food, then we went to the beach and ministered on the beach again, faith led 7 girls to the lord, and many others were healed and set free. (if you don't like devils manifesting, don't come to this land) it happens about every day.
Sunday night we had that 2,000 seater tent and we did a “Youth miracle crusade”, there were about idk, 15-20 pastors involved in that tent event leading up to the last night. But when they asked me what I do, I said I heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils, and I looked right in their eye, not one of them came, and almost none of their congregations came, lol. I understand people are created in the image of God, but, Powerless religious people are cowards that are influenced and driven by devils, because they would rather sit in pews and have their flesh stroked, and be talked to about powerless things than go minister to people who are dying. Hypocrites love to pray, but when you pray instead of being obedient, your prayers now become a stench to God. The owner of the tent is “Kobus Allen”, one of the grandsons of AA allen, I talked to him, I asked him if he was anything like his grandfather, he asked me what I did, I told him Mathew 10:7-8, he turned, coughed nervously, and ignored me from then on. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but, If his grandfather A.A. Allen was there he would have slapped him.
One of the guys there at the tent had a leg 2 inches shorter than the other, from a car accident and had metal rods in his leg, Zizo, one of the God squad girls prayed for his leg until it grew out and he was totally healed, we had thee most amazing tent meeting I have ever had in my life, ever. See during the week following up to this meeting, I was getting phone calls every day with questions like, “do you have a worship team? Do you have a sound system?, do you have a crusade coordinator?, do you have an event planner?, I would tell them “ totally, don't worry, it will be awesome”. But really we had nothing. And because it was a giant tent, we needed a sound system, and other people really said we needed a band and such. But every church I called, or team I asked, the pastors all said no, because they didn't want to be involved or associated with the “rebels” the “radicals”. ha.
So I just kept doing ministry all week, not worrying about it. Then I got a phone call saying, btw, we are tearing out the whole sound system right after the morning service, you wont have a sound system, “because there was no value placed on our ministry”. It came right down to the night before, we were on the beach with the God squad, and the Joburg team, people were getting healed, saved, and delivered, I took a walk on the beach praying. I said God, I have all these people asking me whats happening, shouldn't I be doing something to get ready/ he said, Stop worrying, do what you are called to do, I'll take care of it. So I just continued with what I was doing. And told people it was all taken care of.
All the meetings during the week in this tent had been super religiuos, no one moved, most people didn't even stand in worship. By the night of the event a huge worship team showed up, and a sound system materialized from, I have no idea where. Anyways, it was a set up, because they were the best holy ghost worship team ever. They went crazy during worship, and played all new covenant songs, we had 50+ young people dancing in front of the stage, but I dont mean just dancing, they had all been praying and doing a “fire tunnel” for an hour in the field behind the tent and they were stoked. They were running back and forth, jumping, yelling, doing somersaults, and their blackm white, indian, ect. But they had crazy good rhythm. So the next thing you know they're all dancing a synchronized dance kind of like the “thriller dance” but a worship dance in the front, it was wild, and awesome, and then we had religious people in their seats with some having a look of horror on their face. ha. The worship team started singing the song “ through you the blind will see”, and in the chorus, the band kept playing, he grabbed his cordless mic, and jumped of the stage and took of running around the church in praise, after that it settled down and we were just in the most beautiful worship with people all over just worshiping God in such freedom. I gave an altar call to get righteous, “saved as some say it”. And people ran up, the funniest thing was when my kids told me about a pastor that had been a pastor for a long time came up to get saved. After that we had all the sick people stand up, lay hands on each other and they were all healed. Then we had the people gather around the newly saved, and pray for them, it was a little chaotic, BUT, it was family. I preach an intense word, and then ended the night in worship people flooded the front praying, with tears streaming down some laying on their face, others on their knees, dedicating their lives to being obedient to the word of God. Even old Africans grandmas and grandpas were up there. Which is a rare sight here I was told.
The next week was good, just nonstop, I would be ministering with the young people and get home average about 2 am, then get a a phone call some is dying or dead already at 5 am. And you roll over and ask God, “ why don't people wait to try to die till during the day??!!”. I know why now, because the devil likes killing them at night, most Christians are to ruled by their flesh to get up at night and save someone. The devil knows this, so he hits with death at night.
If I ever hear young people moan, or whine in the states about it being hard to be a christian I will smack them. OK, maybe not. But when you see the price some of these young people pay to be a christian over here. Everything else seems little. The Godsquad here is a small group of young people passionate about God, well its actually grown from like 5-40. But the core group is about 12 young people. I have never, ever in my life seen the devil try as hard to kill a group of young people like this group. 4 out of 5 of them have wanted to, or actually attempted suicide in the past year. If you take any group of girls here in SA, probably at least half of them have been raped. 2 days ago I prayed for a girl and her brothers who were Christians, people were chasing them to kill them, because they said their mom was a witch. The demonic that comes against people here is so blatant. The most powerful thing I have taught these young people, is You are a spirit, and how to operate out of your spirit, and not be affected by the devil, emotions, flesh ect. The devil first goes for them personally, they grow to strong, so he comes through their friends, but then after some CRAZY stuff going down, every one learns, and they become to strong, so he goes through the parents, these kids are told all the time, You are satanists, You will never succeed, anybody could be born again but you. All the time, for some its physical abuse, others just verbal. The kids become stronger, then he goes through aunts, uncles, relatives, this is where it gets nasty. I'm not saying this to credit the devil ok, you guys no me better than that, he is tiny, God is big. But I am just sharing what happens. There is sangomas, and witches, and such that places thing on these kids and do crazy stuff. We will be worshiping and all of a sudden one of the youngsters gets crazy pain or emotions, and walks off, onlyto fall to the ground screaming, or manifesting devils. One of the families is now completely saved, the whole family!! its beautiful all like 25 of them. But If I had a request it would be, please pray for the Godsquad, I have seen stuff before, but just never attacks like this, we stop the attacks, and we shut stuff up. Its like there is a nonstop barrage of different ones. Anyways, enough about that.
No I have not yet to my knoledge seen a legitimate stroke healed yet, I may have happened and I just havent got the news yet, but I am seeing much more in the areas of other miracles, and the strokes will break soon. It is just in renewing my mind. I am being more and more gripped with the word of God, I spend time meditating on certain scriptures on healing, and “consciously” renew my mind, over and over, I visualize them being healed, I see the word of God in action, until it becomes the default of my brain, until I cant see any other out come but that which the word says. I still have a long way to go. I am humbled all the time, on how much I must learn.
Most nights I come home rejoicing, and praising God, and other nights even though I have seen people healed and saved, I come home with tears, gripped with the fact that If I dont walk in truth, and renew my mind, people die, have died while I am here, and still are dying. There are sitautions that are dear to my heart, I would love to share with people, but I don't share all, because of the religious people who make a big deal, stink, and ruckus out of what I do. Like the time I went to Capetown to raise the dead. But there are things that I cant wait to talk about when I get back.
I used to think that if I prayed for something intensely enough or hit it hard enough for long enough it would break. There is truth to that, it does work. But breakthrough lives in me, his name is Jesus. I am learning that if I spend the same amount of time reading the word, consciously renewing my mind, becoming so convinced that the word is true, then speak things to be so. Command them to happen. If they are healed, congrats, if not, go back to the word, renew you mind, ask the Holy spirit to teach you, then go at it again. I am just learning, but we must learn, we must we must, because people are dying, and I happen to care.
I need to wrap this up, I was in east London over the weekend, to do a “conference”. Seen a handful of creative miracles, I really really, spent time renewing my mind, and I did see every one healed that was there, except for one blind man. They had brought him for a long ways to be healed.
But people are so hungry, they love truth, they want to be equipped, they could not stop thanking us for preaching truth, for equipping them. These are the kind of people you can take nations with, sure they are poorer people for now. I luv the states, but I am convinced you will see the world saved faster by starting in other countries with this message where people will drop everything and believe the bible. I would rather evangelize the states from africa, or thailand or wherever, than the other way around. You ask why? Because I will go where people are really hungry, I know they are hungry in the states, but they are nothing like the people here. Ask Heidi baker. Anyways.
Yes, OH, so a few days back there was a man here on vacation I met him out side the local post office by the market with aback brace, he was in excruciating pain, and was goingto have to cut his holiday short, my friend and I just said a short prayer, and we continued on our way. While I was in east london, he found the church I am helping out at while I am here, praising God because he was completely healed. Allo yesterday as I was walking on the beach a young man about 19 years old came running up to me smiling and gave me a hug, I asked him how he knew me, He said dont you remember, my mom and I accepted Jesus into our hearts 2 day ago at your meeting, his life was so transformed, he was so on fire for God, he knows almost nothing about christianity or the bible, but his face Glows, because he found Jesus, and Jesus changed his life!!
1.more, so when I was in east London, on saturday night there was supposed to be wheelchairs in the building, (I really haven't got to pray for many wheelchairs” there seems to be more in the states than here. A lot of crutches here though. So the whole night I was renewing my mind, when I got up the first thing I said, was “where are the wheelchairs?” but there was none, so I went for whoever needed healing. One lady was stabbed multiple times, and hit by a car, her right side did not work properly, I told her to stand up, and I prayed for her from about 30 feet away, I told her to raise her arm, she tried, but her arm had been broken and she could not raise her arm, the doctors said the only way she could be better was to re break her shoulder and do surgery and stuff. I said, lets pray again, we prayed this time their was a pop and her arm went straight above her head. She started sobbing and collapsed in her chair. I talked to her after the meeting, she said she had been told by Christians that Jesus loved her, and that she should be in love with him. But she had been so hurt, and she had never been healed before so she never believed it. That night was thee first time in her life that she truly believed that Jesus loved her!!! She became a new creation that night. The next morning I noticed a ldy that looked familiar I asked her name, she said dont you remember I am the lady you prayed for!! I was amazed, she looked so bad the night before, today she had beautiful clothes on, she was glowing, radiant with his love and presence.
Last night I was back together with the Godsquad, it was so awesome, to be back in a room filled with the most passionate young people worshiping, crying, laughing, giving God their all. We only had one devil attack last night, he tried to attack one of the young girls when she left the room, I heard her screaming and went and prayed for her, but we won.
I have 3 weeks left here, then I will be back in the states. I really really really miss my people, especially the guys at the house. I have started a couple movements here, and am learning, but its not the same with out the team together. We are strongest together. Straight up.
To some of you that have supported me financially while I am here, thank you so much. I have been able to pour into others and pour into what God is doing in them here.
Never stop, don't get distracted by the devil or by doing “good”, stay in love, hang out with dying people, defy religion, preach the gospel, be a warrior of honor, integrity, and character. The character of heaven. We need to be know in heaven, as the ones who never gave up, who counted the word as truth, who were faithful, who lived not for themselves, but lived only to please the one who sent them.
Be Blessed guys, Luv you all!! cant wait to see you again.
Sincerely, Dennis
It is a Tuesday morning here in Margate where i'm staying on a farm. I moved from the last place I was staying at to be closer to the young people I am discipling. I haven't been able to blog for the last week because of lack of internet and a laptop that I could type on.
There is to much that happens every day, so I cant write all, but I can tell a few of the high lights over the past week and a half. In Johannesburg there is a group of young people (Faith, Mpumie, Ndimphiwe, Trulani, and Marcus) who got ahold of the message a while back and have been tearing it up, healing the sick, leading people to Jesus, ect. And we were hoping to meet up, so they got bus tickets and spent 12 hours on the bus and came down for the weekend. We really had an amazing time. They are an awesome group. Almost exactly like when brandon, ryan/laura, and I first met. They are solid, and all preach, teach, prophesy, heal the sick, ect.
Saturday we had a great time we prayed for people all day on the streets, and then took an hour break for food, then we went to the beach and ministered on the beach again, faith led 7 girls to the lord, and many others were healed and set free. (if you don't like devils manifesting, don't come to this land) it happens about every day.
Sunday night we had that 2,000 seater tent and we did a “Youth miracle crusade”, there were about idk, 15-20 pastors involved in that tent event leading up to the last night. But when they asked me what I do, I said I heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils, and I looked right in their eye, not one of them came, and almost none of their congregations came, lol. I understand people are created in the image of God, but, Powerless religious people are cowards that are influenced and driven by devils, because they would rather sit in pews and have their flesh stroked, and be talked to about powerless things than go minister to people who are dying. Hypocrites love to pray, but when you pray instead of being obedient, your prayers now become a stench to God. The owner of the tent is “Kobus Allen”, one of the grandsons of AA allen, I talked to him, I asked him if he was anything like his grandfather, he asked me what I did, I told him Mathew 10:7-8, he turned, coughed nervously, and ignored me from then on. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but, If his grandfather A.A. Allen was there he would have slapped him.
One of the guys there at the tent had a leg 2 inches shorter than the other, from a car accident and had metal rods in his leg, Zizo, one of the God squad girls prayed for his leg until it grew out and he was totally healed, we had thee most amazing tent meeting I have ever had in my life, ever. See during the week following up to this meeting, I was getting phone calls every day with questions like, “do you have a worship team? Do you have a sound system?, do you have a crusade coordinator?, do you have an event planner?, I would tell them “ totally, don't worry, it will be awesome”. But really we had nothing. And because it was a giant tent, we needed a sound system, and other people really said we needed a band and such. But every church I called, or team I asked, the pastors all said no, because they didn't want to be involved or associated with the “rebels” the “radicals”. ha.
So I just kept doing ministry all week, not worrying about it. Then I got a phone call saying, btw, we are tearing out the whole sound system right after the morning service, you wont have a sound system, “because there was no value placed on our ministry”. It came right down to the night before, we were on the beach with the God squad, and the Joburg team, people were getting healed, saved, and delivered, I took a walk on the beach praying. I said God, I have all these people asking me whats happening, shouldn't I be doing something to get ready/ he said, Stop worrying, do what you are called to do, I'll take care of it. So I just continued with what I was doing. And told people it was all taken care of.
All the meetings during the week in this tent had been super religiuos, no one moved, most people didn't even stand in worship. By the night of the event a huge worship team showed up, and a sound system materialized from, I have no idea where. Anyways, it was a set up, because they were the best holy ghost worship team ever. They went crazy during worship, and played all new covenant songs, we had 50+ young people dancing in front of the stage, but I dont mean just dancing, they had all been praying and doing a “fire tunnel” for an hour in the field behind the tent and they were stoked. They were running back and forth, jumping, yelling, doing somersaults, and their blackm white, indian, ect. But they had crazy good rhythm. So the next thing you know they're all dancing a synchronized dance kind of like the “thriller dance” but a worship dance in the front, it was wild, and awesome, and then we had religious people in their seats with some having a look of horror on their face. ha. The worship team started singing the song “ through you the blind will see”, and in the chorus, the band kept playing, he grabbed his cordless mic, and jumped of the stage and took of running around the church in praise, after that it settled down and we were just in the most beautiful worship with people all over just worshiping God in such freedom. I gave an altar call to get righteous, “saved as some say it”. And people ran up, the funniest thing was when my kids told me about a pastor that had been a pastor for a long time came up to get saved. After that we had all the sick people stand up, lay hands on each other and they were all healed. Then we had the people gather around the newly saved, and pray for them, it was a little chaotic, BUT, it was family. I preach an intense word, and then ended the night in worship people flooded the front praying, with tears streaming down some laying on their face, others on their knees, dedicating their lives to being obedient to the word of God. Even old Africans grandmas and grandpas were up there. Which is a rare sight here I was told.
The next week was good, just nonstop, I would be ministering with the young people and get home average about 2 am, then get a a phone call some is dying or dead already at 5 am. And you roll over and ask God, “ why don't people wait to try to die till during the day??!!”. I know why now, because the devil likes killing them at night, most Christians are to ruled by their flesh to get up at night and save someone. The devil knows this, so he hits with death at night.
If I ever hear young people moan, or whine in the states about it being hard to be a christian I will smack them. OK, maybe not. But when you see the price some of these young people pay to be a christian over here. Everything else seems little. The Godsquad here is a small group of young people passionate about God, well its actually grown from like 5-40. But the core group is about 12 young people. I have never, ever in my life seen the devil try as hard to kill a group of young people like this group. 4 out of 5 of them have wanted to, or actually attempted suicide in the past year. If you take any group of girls here in SA, probably at least half of them have been raped. 2 days ago I prayed for a girl and her brothers who were Christians, people were chasing them to kill them, because they said their mom was a witch. The demonic that comes against people here is so blatant. The most powerful thing I have taught these young people, is You are a spirit, and how to operate out of your spirit, and not be affected by the devil, emotions, flesh ect. The devil first goes for them personally, they grow to strong, so he comes through their friends, but then after some CRAZY stuff going down, every one learns, and they become to strong, so he goes through the parents, these kids are told all the time, You are satanists, You will never succeed, anybody could be born again but you. All the time, for some its physical abuse, others just verbal. The kids become stronger, then he goes through aunts, uncles, relatives, this is where it gets nasty. I'm not saying this to credit the devil ok, you guys no me better than that, he is tiny, God is big. But I am just sharing what happens. There is sangomas, and witches, and such that places thing on these kids and do crazy stuff. We will be worshiping and all of a sudden one of the youngsters gets crazy pain or emotions, and walks off, onlyto fall to the ground screaming, or manifesting devils. One of the families is now completely saved, the whole family!! its beautiful all like 25 of them. But If I had a request it would be, please pray for the Godsquad, I have seen stuff before, but just never attacks like this, we stop the attacks, and we shut stuff up. Its like there is a nonstop barrage of different ones. Anyways, enough about that.
No I have not yet to my knoledge seen a legitimate stroke healed yet, I may have happened and I just havent got the news yet, but I am seeing much more in the areas of other miracles, and the strokes will break soon. It is just in renewing my mind. I am being more and more gripped with the word of God, I spend time meditating on certain scriptures on healing, and “consciously” renew my mind, over and over, I visualize them being healed, I see the word of God in action, until it becomes the default of my brain, until I cant see any other out come but that which the word says. I still have a long way to go. I am humbled all the time, on how much I must learn.
Most nights I come home rejoicing, and praising God, and other nights even though I have seen people healed and saved, I come home with tears, gripped with the fact that If I dont walk in truth, and renew my mind, people die, have died while I am here, and still are dying. There are sitautions that are dear to my heart, I would love to share with people, but I don't share all, because of the religious people who make a big deal, stink, and ruckus out of what I do. Like the time I went to Capetown to raise the dead. But there are things that I cant wait to talk about when I get back.
I used to think that if I prayed for something intensely enough or hit it hard enough for long enough it would break. There is truth to that, it does work. But breakthrough lives in me, his name is Jesus. I am learning that if I spend the same amount of time reading the word, consciously renewing my mind, becoming so convinced that the word is true, then speak things to be so. Command them to happen. If they are healed, congrats, if not, go back to the word, renew you mind, ask the Holy spirit to teach you, then go at it again. I am just learning, but we must learn, we must we must, because people are dying, and I happen to care.
I need to wrap this up, I was in east London over the weekend, to do a “conference”. Seen a handful of creative miracles, I really really, spent time renewing my mind, and I did see every one healed that was there, except for one blind man. They had brought him for a long ways to be healed.
But people are so hungry, they love truth, they want to be equipped, they could not stop thanking us for preaching truth, for equipping them. These are the kind of people you can take nations with, sure they are poorer people for now. I luv the states, but I am convinced you will see the world saved faster by starting in other countries with this message where people will drop everything and believe the bible. I would rather evangelize the states from africa, or thailand or wherever, than the other way around. You ask why? Because I will go where people are really hungry, I know they are hungry in the states, but they are nothing like the people here. Ask Heidi baker. Anyways.
Yes, OH, so a few days back there was a man here on vacation I met him out side the local post office by the market with aback brace, he was in excruciating pain, and was goingto have to cut his holiday short, my friend and I just said a short prayer, and we continued on our way. While I was in east london, he found the church I am helping out at while I am here, praising God because he was completely healed. Allo yesterday as I was walking on the beach a young man about 19 years old came running up to me smiling and gave me a hug, I asked him how he knew me, He said dont you remember, my mom and I accepted Jesus into our hearts 2 day ago at your meeting, his life was so transformed, he was so on fire for God, he knows almost nothing about christianity or the bible, but his face Glows, because he found Jesus, and Jesus changed his life!!
1.more, so when I was in east London, on saturday night there was supposed to be wheelchairs in the building, (I really haven't got to pray for many wheelchairs” there seems to be more in the states than here. A lot of crutches here though. So the whole night I was renewing my mind, when I got up the first thing I said, was “where are the wheelchairs?” but there was none, so I went for whoever needed healing. One lady was stabbed multiple times, and hit by a car, her right side did not work properly, I told her to stand up, and I prayed for her from about 30 feet away, I told her to raise her arm, she tried, but her arm had been broken and she could not raise her arm, the doctors said the only way she could be better was to re break her shoulder and do surgery and stuff. I said, lets pray again, we prayed this time their was a pop and her arm went straight above her head. She started sobbing and collapsed in her chair. I talked to her after the meeting, she said she had been told by Christians that Jesus loved her, and that she should be in love with him. But she had been so hurt, and she had never been healed before so she never believed it. That night was thee first time in her life that she truly believed that Jesus loved her!!! She became a new creation that night. The next morning I noticed a ldy that looked familiar I asked her name, she said dont you remember I am the lady you prayed for!! I was amazed, she looked so bad the night before, today she had beautiful clothes on, she was glowing, radiant with his love and presence.
Last night I was back together with the Godsquad, it was so awesome, to be back in a room filled with the most passionate young people worshiping, crying, laughing, giving God their all. We only had one devil attack last night, he tried to attack one of the young girls when she left the room, I heard her screaming and went and prayed for her, but we won.
I have 3 weeks left here, then I will be back in the states. I really really really miss my people, especially the guys at the house. I have started a couple movements here, and am learning, but its not the same with out the team together. We are strongest together. Straight up.
To some of you that have supported me financially while I am here, thank you so much. I have been able to pour into others and pour into what God is doing in them here.
Never stop, don't get distracted by the devil or by doing “good”, stay in love, hang out with dying people, defy religion, preach the gospel, be a warrior of honor, integrity, and character. The character of heaven. We need to be know in heaven, as the ones who never gave up, who counted the word as truth, who were faithful, who lived not for themselves, but lived only to please the one who sent them.
Be Blessed guys, Luv you all!! cant wait to see you again.
Sincerely, Dennis