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Hi every one, It is 1:30 am Tuesday morning, I flew back from Montana today and am a bit tired, but I wanted to blog a bit, as it seems I need to learn how to do this bloggingJ
A few weeks ago Ryan, Laura, Brandon and I went to Rhode Island, and attended “Power School of Dominion” with Charles Ndifon. He is a great man of God and we learned a lot from him, and I was privileged to become his friend.
One of the main things I learned from him is what it means to truly act and conduct myself as royalty, and to walk as a king and a son of God. I came to the full reality that I am not believing God for anything. I have already believed God, therefore I speak. “2 Cor 4:13.
I’ve been learning about having “the faith of God”. When God said “light be” light was, and his word will not return back to him void, that is why the galaxies are still expanding at the speed of light.
The Holy Spirit lives in us, and our words are spirit and they are life, life and death is in the tongue, when we speak with faith that same creative power is spoken, and we do not doubt in our hearts but believe that what we say will happen, and it does. “Mark 11:23. The verse before that talks about “faith in God” if you read it in the Greek, the word “IN” is not there. The young’s literal translation says to have “the faith of God”. If you are repeatedly saying something, you are not commanding, you are trying to convince yourself you believe. Go pray until the reality of Jesus becomes greater than any other reality, and then speak with authority and conviction and do not doubt in your heart. We live by faith not by sight, or feeling.
When I was on my bedroom floor crying and praying 3 years ago for finances to come through for a missions trip and they did, that was thee moment I lost all right to ever doubt God for finances. The moment I seen a sick person healed was the moment I lost all right to ever doubt Gods will to heal the sick. Ok, I’ll try to not preach and stick to blogging.
In Rhode Island I prayed for a lady on the street paralyzed from the waist down and seen her instantly healed. All I said was “you are healed”. And the feeling and movement instantly returned to her legs. I had prayed for at least 150 wheelchairs in the past 8 months and this was the second person I had seen healed. I attempt to make every person I pray for feel like a rockstar and they all encounter the Love Of God, whether they walk or not. But the day is fast coming when they all will walk. Because I have given my life to this till the day I die. There is way to many testimonies to share, hundreds of them. We went to san Diego at ocean side, where there was a Christian event, two weekends ago and in a day we seen at least over 300 people healed, and radically encountered with who Jesus was. Metal disappearing, creative miracles, deaf ears, sight, and all manners of ailments and emotional healing took place.
See I do not have a “special Gift mix or anointing” I am not a miracle man, I simply have thee Gift of the Holy Spirit and I live a lifestyle of obedience to the word. I do not to this point see all I pray for healed, but I know the heart and the will of God, and I have a core value, that I will never allow my circumstances or experiences to dictate to me what the word says. But I will continue to be obedient to the word, until my circumstances and experiences match the word. When I do not see some one walk in the fullness of salvation and healing, it breaks my heart and drives me to my knees where I pursue having my mind renewed, and being so transformed into he image of Jesus that Jesus receives his full reward. See the question isn’t us asking Jesus, why didn’t they get healed? the question is Jesus asking us, why didn’t they get healed?
All else must lose its flavor in the light of your passion and determination to become like him. Where before him everything fades and you heart beats for one thing, to do the will of the father, only to please him, only to live for him. Forever, and ever, and ever.
I stepped out this past weekend and used money I didn’t have and flew to Montana to visit my family, and while I was there I rented out the local high school auditorium. I had two meetings and my goal and mission was to heal the sick, love on people, and equip others to do the same. And to open my chest and let people see my heart and passion for what has consumed every second of my life. We were expecting a couple hundred, the first night 20+ showed up. And it was awesome, a women that had a blown knee for 10 years I prayed for her before the meeting and she was healed and could walk straight and was sobbing as she encountered the love of God, it was funny as I was getting ready to tell her knees to be healed, she was saying “God if you heal me I will worship you forever”, I was thinking, dear lady you will be worshipping the lord a lotJ. Others were healed and ministered to. And money was given to me to pay for my tickets and beyond!
The second night about 50+ showed up, again I expected hundreds. I felt nothing in terms of “feeling” and my message was scattered, But it was still so awesome, there were a bunch of young people there and if I got to speak into even one of their lives it would be worth it. I was really stoked because one of my best friends for years (Josh swain” was able to come by, and Casey areneson was able to make it, an awesome man of God, and many other amazing friends.
On the other hand I was saddened at the reality that I used to have many many friends in my hometown, and some spiritual fathers and mothers, People I lived life with, and did ministry with, and passionately would give my life for in a second, never showed up or showed their face. There was a time when I was young, I knew little, I was just passionate and 100% committed to burning for the rest of my life. And I was told to pursue God with all that I had, I did that, there has never been a day since that I have not burned with passion for the heart of God and what I am called for. I the sick healed, demons cast out, lost saved, ect But when I pursued truth, “friends” disappeared, and I have very few who stand with me in my hometown. But that is changing as people encounter truth. Oh btw, money was given to me to pay for my tickets and beyond!
Anyways to start withy there was a man with degenerative back disease his disks in his back were collapsed, and his hip was blown pretty much, he hadn’t touched his toes or bent over in years. I told him to touch his toes he was scared at first but he bent over and touched his toes, and his eyes filled with tears as he realized he was healed and that God was real.
I told all the people with pain to come to the front and be healed, like 12 or so came, all but one were healed instantly to my knowledge, and I am following up with her. It is easy when you are the speaker and to ignore people or situations, I hate when that happens I am a man of integrity and to the best of my ability I attempt to follow up and connect with people who did not experience and instant healing.
There were a handful of young people I got to minister to, it was awesome, and my heart burns for them. One young girl especially who works with youth in Libby Montana, was crying and telling me about her heart and passion to see the youth in her town transformed by the love and power of God. Everyone is created in the image of God and called to greatness, but I really come alive when I meet people who have given every ounce and fiber of their hearts and lives like I did, and many others are doing, to burn with passion for God till the day they die, who have given their lives to transforming the face of the world and every one on it, and know that they will accomplish that.
The next morning I was tired and we stopped at a gas station on the way to the airport, I seen a man with a torn meniscus, he said he was in intense pain, I didn’t ask, I just dropped on my knee and told it to be well, I had no idea what to expect, he this crazy look of shock on his face as he realized he was completely healedJ all I did was touch his leg.
I do not have a “healing ministry” or “prophetic ministry”. I simply preach the Gospel of Jesus.
I hope to book my tickets to Africa tomorrow; I have a LOT of emails and messages to return, so I will be getting on that, It is now early morning , lol.
This lifestyle is all the way, or not at all.
The value of something is determined by the price that was paid to obtain it. Jesus placed a value on you when He died on the cross. What are you giving God that costs you something?
People say to pursue the kingdom of God and to be a disciple of Jesus it will cost you everything. Maybe, I believe it will only cost you what you were never called to in the first place.
What most Christians call sacrifice is simply the depth to which they still love the pleasures and vanity of the world, and the comforts of life.
How can it be a sacrifice to give up what I was never called to?
Again I ask, what are you giving God that costs you?
With all my love,
P.S. here is part of a song I was writing today, I may finish it, its sung mellow building up and then I scream I’ll scream the chorus, lol, but here is parts of it…
To many little voices silenced, shattered by the violence.
Innocence taken, now left, bleeding on the floor.
To many tears have fallen, broken hearts keep callin.
Hoping this time, they won’t, have to cry any more
In every generation, every culture, every nation.
The same pain, just disguised, wishing to be stronger
I’m so through praying, and waiting
And I will not, stay silent, any longer
This is the sound of a revolution
Hearts screaming, this invisible roar
On the lips of Holy Warriors
Declarations of a Love War
A few weeks ago Ryan, Laura, Brandon and I went to Rhode Island, and attended “Power School of Dominion” with Charles Ndifon. He is a great man of God and we learned a lot from him, and I was privileged to become his friend.
One of the main things I learned from him is what it means to truly act and conduct myself as royalty, and to walk as a king and a son of God. I came to the full reality that I am not believing God for anything. I have already believed God, therefore I speak. “2 Cor 4:13.
I’ve been learning about having “the faith of God”. When God said “light be” light was, and his word will not return back to him void, that is why the galaxies are still expanding at the speed of light.
The Holy Spirit lives in us, and our words are spirit and they are life, life and death is in the tongue, when we speak with faith that same creative power is spoken, and we do not doubt in our hearts but believe that what we say will happen, and it does. “Mark 11:23. The verse before that talks about “faith in God” if you read it in the Greek, the word “IN” is not there. The young’s literal translation says to have “the faith of God”. If you are repeatedly saying something, you are not commanding, you are trying to convince yourself you believe. Go pray until the reality of Jesus becomes greater than any other reality, and then speak with authority and conviction and do not doubt in your heart. We live by faith not by sight, or feeling.
When I was on my bedroom floor crying and praying 3 years ago for finances to come through for a missions trip and they did, that was thee moment I lost all right to ever doubt God for finances. The moment I seen a sick person healed was the moment I lost all right to ever doubt Gods will to heal the sick. Ok, I’ll try to not preach and stick to blogging.
In Rhode Island I prayed for a lady on the street paralyzed from the waist down and seen her instantly healed. All I said was “you are healed”. And the feeling and movement instantly returned to her legs. I had prayed for at least 150 wheelchairs in the past 8 months and this was the second person I had seen healed. I attempt to make every person I pray for feel like a rockstar and they all encounter the Love Of God, whether they walk or not. But the day is fast coming when they all will walk. Because I have given my life to this till the day I die. There is way to many testimonies to share, hundreds of them. We went to san Diego at ocean side, where there was a Christian event, two weekends ago and in a day we seen at least over 300 people healed, and radically encountered with who Jesus was. Metal disappearing, creative miracles, deaf ears, sight, and all manners of ailments and emotional healing took place.
See I do not have a “special Gift mix or anointing” I am not a miracle man, I simply have thee Gift of the Holy Spirit and I live a lifestyle of obedience to the word. I do not to this point see all I pray for healed, but I know the heart and the will of God, and I have a core value, that I will never allow my circumstances or experiences to dictate to me what the word says. But I will continue to be obedient to the word, until my circumstances and experiences match the word. When I do not see some one walk in the fullness of salvation and healing, it breaks my heart and drives me to my knees where I pursue having my mind renewed, and being so transformed into he image of Jesus that Jesus receives his full reward. See the question isn’t us asking Jesus, why didn’t they get healed? the question is Jesus asking us, why didn’t they get healed?
All else must lose its flavor in the light of your passion and determination to become like him. Where before him everything fades and you heart beats for one thing, to do the will of the father, only to please him, only to live for him. Forever, and ever, and ever.
I stepped out this past weekend and used money I didn’t have and flew to Montana to visit my family, and while I was there I rented out the local high school auditorium. I had two meetings and my goal and mission was to heal the sick, love on people, and equip others to do the same. And to open my chest and let people see my heart and passion for what has consumed every second of my life. We were expecting a couple hundred, the first night 20+ showed up. And it was awesome, a women that had a blown knee for 10 years I prayed for her before the meeting and she was healed and could walk straight and was sobbing as she encountered the love of God, it was funny as I was getting ready to tell her knees to be healed, she was saying “God if you heal me I will worship you forever”, I was thinking, dear lady you will be worshipping the lord a lotJ. Others were healed and ministered to. And money was given to me to pay for my tickets and beyond!
The second night about 50+ showed up, again I expected hundreds. I felt nothing in terms of “feeling” and my message was scattered, But it was still so awesome, there were a bunch of young people there and if I got to speak into even one of their lives it would be worth it. I was really stoked because one of my best friends for years (Josh swain” was able to come by, and Casey areneson was able to make it, an awesome man of God, and many other amazing friends.
On the other hand I was saddened at the reality that I used to have many many friends in my hometown, and some spiritual fathers and mothers, People I lived life with, and did ministry with, and passionately would give my life for in a second, never showed up or showed their face. There was a time when I was young, I knew little, I was just passionate and 100% committed to burning for the rest of my life. And I was told to pursue God with all that I had, I did that, there has never been a day since that I have not burned with passion for the heart of God and what I am called for. I the sick healed, demons cast out, lost saved, ect But when I pursued truth, “friends” disappeared, and I have very few who stand with me in my hometown. But that is changing as people encounter truth. Oh btw, money was given to me to pay for my tickets and beyond!
Anyways to start withy there was a man with degenerative back disease his disks in his back were collapsed, and his hip was blown pretty much, he hadn’t touched his toes or bent over in years. I told him to touch his toes he was scared at first but he bent over and touched his toes, and his eyes filled with tears as he realized he was healed and that God was real.
I told all the people with pain to come to the front and be healed, like 12 or so came, all but one were healed instantly to my knowledge, and I am following up with her. It is easy when you are the speaker and to ignore people or situations, I hate when that happens I am a man of integrity and to the best of my ability I attempt to follow up and connect with people who did not experience and instant healing.
There were a handful of young people I got to minister to, it was awesome, and my heart burns for them. One young girl especially who works with youth in Libby Montana, was crying and telling me about her heart and passion to see the youth in her town transformed by the love and power of God. Everyone is created in the image of God and called to greatness, but I really come alive when I meet people who have given every ounce and fiber of their hearts and lives like I did, and many others are doing, to burn with passion for God till the day they die, who have given their lives to transforming the face of the world and every one on it, and know that they will accomplish that.
The next morning I was tired and we stopped at a gas station on the way to the airport, I seen a man with a torn meniscus, he said he was in intense pain, I didn’t ask, I just dropped on my knee and told it to be well, I had no idea what to expect, he this crazy look of shock on his face as he realized he was completely healedJ all I did was touch his leg.
I do not have a “healing ministry” or “prophetic ministry”. I simply preach the Gospel of Jesus.
I hope to book my tickets to Africa tomorrow; I have a LOT of emails and messages to return, so I will be getting on that, It is now early morning , lol.
This lifestyle is all the way, or not at all.
The value of something is determined by the price that was paid to obtain it. Jesus placed a value on you when He died on the cross. What are you giving God that costs you something?
People say to pursue the kingdom of God and to be a disciple of Jesus it will cost you everything. Maybe, I believe it will only cost you what you were never called to in the first place.
What most Christians call sacrifice is simply the depth to which they still love the pleasures and vanity of the world, and the comforts of life.
How can it be a sacrifice to give up what I was never called to?
Again I ask, what are you giving God that costs you?
With all my love,
P.S. here is part of a song I was writing today, I may finish it, its sung mellow building up and then I scream I’ll scream the chorus, lol, but here is parts of it…
To many little voices silenced, shattered by the violence.
Innocence taken, now left, bleeding on the floor.
To many tears have fallen, broken hearts keep callin.
Hoping this time, they won’t, have to cry any more
In every generation, every culture, every nation.
The same pain, just disguised, wishing to be stronger
I’m so through praying, and waiting
And I will not, stay silent, any longer
This is the sound of a revolution
Hearts screaming, this invisible roar
On the lips of Holy Warriors
Declarations of a Love War
Awesome man... great blog, lots of stuff going down. We'll meet again soon.
@ casey, It better be soon! I miss you, I was just showing the pic of you "on the horse" to everybody:) lol
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